At the Salem Family Aquatic Center we strive to provide a Safe and Family-Friendly atmosphere for our guests. The following are the rules for the Salem Family Aquatic Center. These rules are for your safety and protection. Please follow the rules to ensure a safe and fun visit.

Patrons who are frequent offenders of the rules will be subject to daily, weekly, monthly or seasonal suspension, based on the offense and a manager’s discretion. (See Patron Discipline Policy below.)


  • All children age 12 and under must be accompanied by someone 18 or older.
  • No profanity is allowed.
  • No smoking, chewing or vaping on pool property.
  • No inappropriate displays of affection.
  • No running.
  • Chicken fighting, excessive bombing, jumping too close to other patrons, dunking or throwing of patrons in the water will not be permitted.
  • No jumping off backwards or doing flips, of any kind, from the side of the pool.
  • Respect and listen to all staff member’s instructions.
  • No outside food or beverages are allowed.


  • No hand-stands off of diving boards.
  • Parents are not allowed to catch their children in the water.
  • Patrons must go off the end of the diving board, not off to the side.
  • Patrons should not get on the steps or the board until the previous person has jumped into the pool.
  • Once patron has entered the water, exit immediately to the side.
  • Anyone using the diving boards must have passed their swim test.
  • Swim test includes swimming across and back freestyle without stopping and treading water for one minute. A lifeguard watches the patron do the test. Patrons may be asked to pass their test more than once a season due to the different guards that may be on duty from day to day.
  • Patrons who disregard diving board rules will be warned once. Additional incidents will require a five or ten minute penalty from the guard. Further incidents will result in discipline at manager’s discretion, according to offense.


  • All patrons of questionable height will be measured as they enter the facility.
  • All patrons riding the slide must be at least 48 inches tall. No exceptions.
  • The only jewelry that can be worn is wedding rings and stud earrings. (No bracelets, watches, dangling earrings, necklaces, or body piercings, of any type, kind or of any material).
  • Patrons will not be permitted to ride the slide if there is metal of any kind on their swimming suit.
  • The line for the slide must be orderly. Only two patrons will be allowed on the first platform and three patrons on the second platform. Patrons will be permitted to go to the top of the slide one at a time after receiving permission from the slide attendant.
  • The slide is designated to be ridden by one patron at a time.
  • Patrons must go down the slide on their backs with their arms crossed over their chest.
  • Patrons will not be allowed to spin or change their position during the course of their ride. If this happens, they will lose privileges to ride the slide for that business day.
  • Once patrons have completed their ride on the slide, they must exit the water immediately.
  • Patrons will not be allowed to sit on the edge of the slide pool or linger in the pool.


  • Only children eleven years of age and younger are permitted to be on the yellow platform of the feature. Parents may take their children up to the platform to allow them to go down the slide.
  • The blue slide is designed to be ridden one rider at a time.
  • Children should go down the slide feet first.
  • Parents are not allowed to go down the slide with their child.
  • Patrons should not pull on the netting around the feature.
  • Patrons should not climb on the slide or try to slide under the netting. 


  • It is recommended that patrons wishing to use the Sharks & Logs be at least 42 inches tall.
  • Small children are not permitted to use the feature unless they are helped across by an adult (parent or guardian).
  • Patrons must wait until the person in front of them has reached the second shark. They will receive instructions to go from the attendant on duty.
  • Racing is allowed. Only two patrons will be allowed to go at a time. When racing, the Sharks & Logs must be completely clear of other patrons.
  • The ropes are intended to assist patrons across the Sharks & Logs. Hanging on the ropes is not permitted.
  • Swimming is not permitted beneath not within the buoy ropes of the Sharks & Logs feature.


  • All food and drinks must stay in the Lion’s Den Concession Stand. Food and drinks are not allowed beyond Landers the Lion. Water is the only item allowed at poolside.
  • Patrons should clean up their trash and dispose of it in the trashcans.
  • No outside food or beverages are allowed in the concession area.


We reserve the right to ask that patrons dress in appropriate swim attire. If patrons are found wearing items that are deemed unacceptable by facility management, they will either be refused admission, asked to cover up or change into something acceptable, or leave the facility. The decision as to what is acceptable attire will be at the discretion of the on-duty facility manager.

Examples of unacceptable attire include but are not limited to the following:

  • Cut-off jeans
  • Thong bikini
  • Underwear (bra, boxers, briefs, etc.)
  • Vulgar images or wording

Thunder and/or Lightning Policy

Every attempt will be made to wait out any poor weather conditions. If open swim is interrupted due to thunder and/or lightning continuously for one hour, and the immediate rain forecast is at 50% or higher, the pool will close when the swimmers have been out of the water for one hour. No refunds will be given in any circumstances. Postings will be made on Facebook, and WJBD if the pool will not be opening or closing early due to weather conditions.

is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any theft, loss or damage to items left on these premises. LEAVE ITEMS UNATTENDED AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
Lockers are provided for your use, free of charge, on the west deck. Please store your items in these lockers. NO food or drinks should be placed in lockers. Lockers will be checked at the end of each day. Any items left in lockers will be discarded.


Salem Family Aquatic Center
Patron Discipline Policy

All Salem Family Aquatic Center rules are posted in multiple, visible locations throughout the facility. It is the responsibility of the patron (or the person responsible for the patron) to familiarized themselves with and follow these rules. Facility rules are put in place to make it a safe and fun experience for everyone.

First Offense:

  • The patron will be given a verbal warning asked to sit out of the pool for 15 minutes.
  • A Patron Discipline Report is filed and signed by the staff and the on-duty manager.
  • The patron is notified of what will happen with another offense.

Second Offense:

  • The patron is given a verbal warning and must sit out until a parent arrives (or may walk home at parent request) as they are suspended from the facility that day.
  • The person will call their parent from the pool phone and notify the parent of why the patron is being disciplined.
  • A Patron Discipline Report is completed and signed by both the staff and on-duty manager.
  • The person is notified of what will happen with the next offense.

Third Offense:

  • A verbal warning is given and the patron must sit out until a parent arrives (or may walk home at parent request) as the patron is suspended from the facility for 1 week.
  • The person will call a parent from the pool phone and notify the parent of why the patron is being disciplined.
  • A Patron Discipline Report is completed and signed by the staff and on-duty manager.

Any further offences will result in the patron being suspended for the remainder of the pool season. A Patron Discipline Report is completed and signed by both the staff and on-duty manager.

**The on-duty manager and/or facility manager reserves the right to move beyond the Second and Third Offense consequences and enforce a season suspension based on the severity of occurrence.

The patron may request admission the following pool season and permission will be at the discretion of the Facility Manager.